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How can I apply to sit the examination?

First, you will need to submit a declaration of intention to sit. You can submit this at any point during the year and it is valid until the end of September. Please refer to the examination guidance for detailed information on what supporting evidence you need to provide at this stage.

Only once you have submitted a declaration of intention to sit, along with all the necessary documentation, can you apply to sit the examination.

Related FAQs

  • The examination consists of two components: a written examination and a practical examination (Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).

    The written component consists of best-of-5 multiple-choice questions which will assess your clinical knowledge and will include an open-book paper assessing your familiarity with the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct.

    The OSCE will assess a range of practical skills. For more information on the format, please refer to section 6 of the guidance document.

  • There is one exam per year, this includes re-sit examinations. The written component is normally held in Spring (March and re-sits in May) and is run remotely, allowing candidates to take the examination securely using their own computer from a suitable location of their choosing.

    The OSCE is held at Harper Adams University in Autumn.

    Specific dates are provided to candidates once they are available.

  • If you can demonstrate that you have been granted humanitarian protection by the British Home Office then you may be entitled to financial support, including support with examination fees. Please contact the examinations manager at [email protected] if you would like to apply for this assistance.

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