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Fellowship Board

The Fellowship Board reports to the Advancement of the Professions Committee. It sets the criteria for the Fellowship by Meritorious Contributions to the Profession; to Clinical Practice; and to Knowledge. The Board also approves the process by which applications are received, processed and assessed. (View full terms of reference)


  • Dr Niall Connell FRCVS- Chair of the Fellowship Board
  • Prof John Innes FRCVS- Past Chair of the Fellowship Board
  • Prof Tim Parkin FRCVS- Officer Team Liaison
  • Prof Anna Meredith FRCVS- Chair of the Fellowship Science Advisory Panel (FSAP)
  • Dr Emma Milne FRCVS- Projects and Engagement Officer
  • Mr Mark Castle - Lay member
  • Mrs Nichola Paull MRCVS- Chair of the Credentials Panel for Clinical Practice
  • Mr Andrew Robinson FRCVS- Chair of the Credentials Panel for Profession
  • Prof Richard Piercy FRCVS- Chair of the Credentials Panel for Knowledge


Amymay Youngs  E [email protected])