- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons
- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
- Contact the Advice Team
- XL Bully dog ban
- 'Under care' - new guidance
- Advice on Schedule 3
- Controlled Drugs Guidance – A to Z
- Dealing with Difficult Situations webinar recordings
- FAQs – Common medicines pitfalls
- FAQs – Routine veterinary practice and clinical veterinary research
- GDPR – RCVS information and Q&As
Standard 3 - Student empowerment
Students are provided with a variety of learning opportunities and appropriate resources which enable them to achieve the RCVS Day One Competences and Skills for Veterinary Nurses and programme outcomes and be capable of demonstrating the professional behaviours in the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.
Students are empowered and supported to become resilient, caring, reflective and lifelong learners who are capable of working in inter-professional teams.
Accredited education institutions, together with centres and training practices, must ensure that all students:
- are well prepared for learning in theory and practice having received relevant inductions.
This may be evidenced through:
- Induction handbooks
- Induction timetables
- Induction materials for DOS recording platform
Students are provided with an Induction handbook and an induction timetable which allows for full understanding of the academic and placement requirements of the course.
Students attending campus should be given a tour of the facilities including the location of resources beneficial to their programme i.e., the library and clinical skills area.
Placement Handbooks should be provided detailing the roles and responsibilities of all parties with inclusion of the Fitness to Practise policy. An induction session on placement requirements and the opportunity to ask questions would be beneficial, as well as guidance on wellbeing support available to students.
Final OSCE criteria should be provided including timetables.
- have access to the resources they need to achieve the RCVS Day One Competences and Skills for Veterinary Nurses, QAA HE Benchmarks, and programme outcomes required for their professional role.
This may be evidenced through:
- Practical, equipment, consumables and animal collection resource list
- Library resources
- ILT resources
- Timetabled resources
- Clinical placement audits
- TP/aTP risk assessments
TP/aTP approval paperwork should assess whether the TP/aTP provides suitable resources for the students including relevant textbooks.
Supporting texts, e-books, and journals should be available via the library/e-library.
The clinical skills area should be well-equipped providing students with the facilities and resources to develop their skills whilst not in practice.
- are provided with timely and accurate information about curriculum, teaching, supervision, assessment, practice placements and other information relevant to the programme.
This may be evidenced through:
- Programme handbooks
- Student handbooks
- Timetables
Schemes of work
Module handbooks
Placement correspondence
There should be evidence of good communication channels between students and the academic team.
SoW should be completed and available prior to the start of each term.
The programme handbook and placement handbook should detail timelines in relation to assignment delivery and submissions, examination scheduling and practical assessments.
All information may be available on an e-learning platform.
- to work with and learn from a range of people in practice placements, preparing them to provide care to a range of animals with diverse needs.
This may be evidenced through:
Practice rota
TP/aTP Approval forms
Expert witness forms/statements
Handbooks detailing utilisation of expert witnesses
Guest speakers to be utilised where applicable to encourage inter-professional learning.
The incorporation of external visits to establishments such as Pet Crematoriums, veterinary hospitals and animal rescue centres in conjunction with the relevant theory.
Witness statements to be encouraged in practice to demonstrate that students are given the opportunity to learn from a variety of professionals in practice.
- are enabled to learn and are assessed using a range of methods, including technology enhanced and simulation-based learning appropriate for their programme as necessary for safe and effective practice.
This may be evidenced through:
- Programme handbooks
- TP handbooks
- Assessment plans
- Module/Unit descriptors
Clinical supervisor handbook
List of clinical skills resources
Technology enhanced and simulation-based learning to be evidenced with module handbooks, SoW and assessment materials and methodologies.
A good range of mannequins and equipment within the clinical skills area to enable students to perform tasks less commonly encountered in practice, such as CPR.
- are supervised and supported in clinical placement learning in accordance with RCVS Standards framework for veterinary nurse education and training.
This may be evidenced through:
- TP / aTP staffing lists
- TP / aTP student timetabled hours / rotas
- Clinical placement audits
- Training Practice handbook
- Student TP feedback
Audit strategy for clinical placement tutorials
Clinical placement visit strategy
Where students are registered as apprentices, it is expected, in accordance with this requirement, that students are actively supported until they have achieved their qualification.
Placement handbook details specific role responsibilities.
Students are always supervised in practice by an RVN, or MRCVS (UK Practising) and TP/aTP paperwork shows evidence of and compliance with this requirement.
Clear lines of communication are maintained between students and the academic/placement team when students are on placement.
- are supervised according to their individual learning needs, proficiency and confidence
This may be evidenced through:
- Individual learning plans
- TP / aTP student reports
- Reasonable adjustment policy
- Student support services
- Special Educational Needs support
- Clinical placement tutorial records
SEND facilities and support are available to students.
Learning styles of students are assessed throughout the programme to ensure that a diverse range of teaching styles and tools are implemented to benefit all students.
Tailoring student needs to TP/aTP placements and employment and encouraging students to disclose any additional learning needs they require, in accordance with reasonable adjustments and Fitness to Practise policies.
- are allocated and can make use of supported learning time including blended learning and recording completion of RCVS Day One Skills for Veterinary Nursing when in practice
This may be evidenced through:
- Timetable
- Audit of blended learning time
- Audit of Day One Skills recording tool
- Practice rotas
- Memoranda of Understanding
- TP handbook
- Clinical supervisor handbook
Timetables and SoW clearly state blended learning allocations and requirements.
Blended learning materials and time allocation are auditable and monitored regularly.
MoU between Delivery Site and TPs/aTPs clearly stipulates the requirement for students to be able to complete and record competency in the RCVS DOS during placement/employment in a TP/aTP.
TPs/aTPs to demonstrate, within tutorials, the allocation of time given to student veterinary nurses to undertake blended learning and the logging of DOS.
Good IQA processes in place to monitor the logging of DOS and be able to identify non-compliance.
- are assigned and have access to a nominated academic tutor/lead for each part of the education programme.
This may be evidenced through:
- Group tutorial records
- Student feedback
- Programme specification
- Student handbook
Personal tutor allocations
Personal tutor timetables
Learner reviews
Learner tutorials
Students should have access to a dedicated tutor for each academic year and should be notified each term/year who their tutor will be.
Regular communication between students and tutors should be evidenced within tutorial documents and emails.
The allocation of specific tutors should be detailed within the programme handbook.
Time should be allocated to each tutor to carry out termly tutorials with the addition of telephone/email correspondence when required.
- have the necessary support and information to manage any interruptions to the study of programmes for any reason.
This may be evidenced through:
- Student handbook
- Programme handbook
- Institutional regulations
- Fitness to Practise policy
Relevant policies/handbooks including withdrawal and suspension of studies procedures, interruptions to study due to health concerns or maternity/paternity leave policies should be reviewed regularly and adhered to. Evidence of discussions and outcomes should be detailed within student progress meeting minutes, academic progress review board minutes and individual tutorial paperwork.
Fitness to Practise should be referred to and students advised accordingly.
Guidance, pastoral support, and wellbeing support services should be readily available, and students informed of how to access these services.
- have their diverse needs respected and considered across all learning environments, with support and adjustments provided in accordance with equalities and human rights legislation and good practice.
This may be evidenced through:
- Equality and diversity policy
- Reasonable adjustment policy
- Fitness to Practise
- Fitness to study policy
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy is fit for purpose and adhered to.
There is a suitable ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ policy in place.
Fitness to Practise is incorporated within all aspects of the programme and documented within policies and handbooks.
Equality, diversity and inclusion training is regularly undertaken by academic staff.
Disability guidance is provided to TPs/aTPs and academic and placement staff demonstrate a proactive and inclusive approach to individual needs.
- are provided with support and adjustments in accordance with equalities and human rights legislation and good practice
This may be evidenced through:
- Equality and Diversity policy
- Reasonable adjustments policy
- Special considerations policy
- Student feedback
- Safeguarding policy
There is a suitable ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ policy in place.
Fitness to Practise is incorporated within all aspects of the programme and documented within policies and handbooks.
Evidence of placement support is recorded i.e., tutorial records.
Disability guidance is provided to TPs/aTPs and academic and placement staff demonstrate a proactive and inclusive approach to individual needs.
Students are notified of the extenuating circumstances form and provided with adequate guidance on eligibility and completion of this form.
Reasonable adjustments policy for theory and practical exams is adhered to with requirements and learning needs considered on a case-by-case basis.
- are protected from discrimination, harassment and other behaviour that undermines their performance or confidence.
This may be evidenced through:
Equality and Diversity policy
Bullying and Harassment policy
Complaints Policies and reports
Student feedback
- Safeguarding policy
The AEI/Delivery site and TP/aTP foster a culture of support and inclusion, and this is evidenced within documentation such as student handbooks; the equality, diversity and inclusion policy; student charter and the student code of conduct.
Further evidence of safeguarding measures could include wellbeing services, the opportunity for students to provide feedback and speak confidentially and the provision of clubs and groups which promote a sense of community.
There should also be processes in place to protect students when online, with sufficient social media and bullying and harassment policies.
- are provided with information and support which encourages them to take responsibility for their own mental and physical health and wellbeing.
This may be evidenced through:
Student handbook
Programme handbook
Personal tutoring system
Personal tutorial time tables and records
Student Support Policy
Student feedback
Wellbeing lectures/sessions
Induction timetable
Meeting minutes from social groups
Online resources
Wellbeing services available to students, including online support and drop-in sessions.
Wellbeing screensavers on university computers/netbooks.
Marketing materials such as posters and flyers displayed/distributed around campus.
Student support policy in place.
Discussions regarding mental health and wellbeing documented within individual tutorials and evidence of signposting to the range of services available.
- are provided with the learning and pastoral support necessary to empower them to prepare for independent, reflective professional practice.
This may be evidenced through:
Personal tutor handbook
Personal tutorial records
Evidence-based professional practice procedures
Module/Unit descriptors
Programme Handbook
Student feedback
Assessment examples
Guidance provided regarding the RCVS DOS
Professional Behaviour Evaluation policy
Learning styles to be assessed on a regular basis so that students are aware of how they learn and can tailor their own learning and revision processes.
Encourage students to lead tutorial sessions and use reflective cycles/tools to enable them to become independent practitioners. This could be evidenced within tutorial records.
Encourage the use of the professional behaviour evaluation within tutorials so that students can reflect on their own performance.
- have opportunities throughout their programme to collaborate and learn with and from other professionals, to learn with and from peers, and to develop supervision and leadership skills.
This may be evidenced through:
- Peer assessment
- TP / aTP handbook
- Student representative meetings
- Reflective logs
- Professional behavioural tool
- Guest (expert) lecturer timetables
- Mentor programmes
- Assessment examples
Expert witness statements
Documentation detailing guidance regarding expert witnesses
Guest speakers utilised where applicable to encourage best practice and provide knowledge and expertise in specific fields.
The use of ‘buddy or support’ systems where 2nd and 3rd year students provide support and guidance to newly enrolled students.
The use of peer reviews and discussion forums to promote discussions within peer groups.
Students are provided with suitable placement practices to enable them to work collaboratively with a range of veterinary professionals.
- receive constructive feedback throughout the programme to promote and encourage reflective learning.
This may be evidenced through:
- Feedback policy / procedures
- Clinical Supervisor records
- Feedback records
- Evidence-based professional practice procedures
- Module/Unit descriptors
- Programme Handbook
- Assessment examples
- Formative assessment procedures
Clinical placement tutorial records
Learner reviews
Professional Behaviour Evaluations
DOS sampling plans
Students to be provided with various feedback opportunities throughout their programme i.e., course consultative, placement feedback and assessment feedback.
Feedback policies and procedures are followed and there is appropriate dissemination of information.
Tutorials should be carried out in practice and evidence is reviewed by the IQA team on a regular basis as per the IQA strategy.
Advice and guidance on feedback and support available is detailed with module and programme handbooks.
- have opportunities throughout their programme to give feedback on the quality of all aspects of their support and supervision in both theory and practice.
This may be evidenced through:
- Student surveys
- Student representative meetings
- Use of National Student Survey
- Study Skills Policy
Clinical placement evaluations
Personal tutor records
Student surveys undertaken at appropriate points in the programme.
Students to be provided with various feedback opportunities throughout their programme i.e., course consultative, placement feedback and assessment feedback.
Student representative meetings to be carried out and meeting minutes recorded and disseminated.
Documented evidence of appropriate consideration of feedback and any subsequent changes to policies, procedures or provision.
- are empowered to develop their professional behaviours in line with the RCVS Professional Behaviour Evaluation
This may be evidenced through:
- Completed Professional Behaviour Evaluations
- Professional behaviour guidance to students
- Professional behaviour guidance to Clinical Supervisors
- IQA sampling policy
Encourage the use of the professional behaviour evaluation within tutorials so that students can reflect on their own performance.
If the professional behaviour evaluation is not within the DOS platform used by the AEI, then it must be implemented in another format.
Encourage peer discussions regarding professional behaviour and fitness to practise within tutor groups and online forums.