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Estate Strategy Group

Terms of reference

The terms of reference of the Estate Strategy Group are to implement the Estate Strategy by maximising and improving the use of space, considering moving a function out, and extending the building by one floor, with the option to come back to Council if extension is rejected by Westminster Council. (View full terms of reference)



Corrie McCann (T 020 7202 0724 E [email protected])

Terms of reference


1. To implement the Estate Strategy agreed at RCVS Council in June 2015.

  • Aim to maximise / improve use of space
  • Consider moving a function out, and 
  • Extend the building by one floor, with the option to come back to Council if extension is rejected by Westminster Council.


2. The board shall consist of two Council members, who are not in the Officer Team, the Treasurer and the President. The CEO and Operations Director will attend all meetings.

3. The chairperson is appointed by the Estate Project Board.

4. A quorum shall consist of 3 Council members.


5. The development, co-ordination and implementation of the estates strategy in accordance with the project protocol.

6. The evaluation of proposals for the acquisition, disposal and redevelopment of property at all stages of negotiation.

7. Consider reports about space plans that may affect the activities of the RCVS.

8. The board shall recommend the adoption of any major changes to the estates strategy to Council.

9. The board shall respond to any requests for information initiated by the Council.

10. Report to the Officer Team all significant changes proposed to the estates strategy before they are recommended to the Council.

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