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- Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses
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Limited Licensure & Reasonable Adjustment Working Party
Our Widening Access to the Professions Working Party commenced work in August 2022 to focus on increasing access to the veterinary professions for disabled people.
The Working Party will explore the benefits of the RCVS having powers to grant a ‘limited’ or ‘focused’ licence in specific circumstances, along with an exploration of the use of ‘reasonable adjustment’. The Working Party has been formed following RCVS Council’s decision to adopt the recommendations of the RCVS Legislative Reform report, which included ‘in-principle’ powers to introduce limited licensure.
This Working Party will report to the Advancement of the Professions Committee, and in due course make recommendations to RCVS Council.
Terms of reference
- To produce a report on current best practice in the implementation of reasonable adjustment, with recommendations for the veterinary professions.
- Reporting on whether limited licensure could, in principle, increase access to veterinary degrees and veterinary nursing qualifications for those with disabilities beyond that allowed by reasonable adjustment.
- Making recommendations on related issues, such as appropriate nomenclature for any policies and practices
- Sue Paterson, Chair, RCVS Council and Junior Vice President
- Niall Connell, RCVS Council and Treasurer
- Tim Walker, RCVS Council Lay member
- Matthew Rendle, RCVS Veterinary Nursing Council Chair
- Neerja Muncaster, Veterinary Schools Council
- Liv Nathan, British Veterinary Chronic Illness Support
- Malcolm Morley, British Veterinary Association
- Susan Howath, RCVS Veterinary Nursing Council Member
- Charlotte Tobin Williams, Association of Veterinary Students
- Charlotte Pace, British Veterinary Nursing Association