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Antibiotics and pigs


Derek is a contract pig farmer rearing pigs for a group owned by Happy Pigs Ltd. Derek’s farm is taken under the care of Green Livestock Vets.

Green Livestock Vets has never made an in-person visit to Derek’s premises but are within reasonable geographic proximity for this species to do so.

Green Livestock Vets have also discussed the production systems, seen photographs and videos of the farm infrastructure, and are familiar with the disease status and history of the supplied pigs.

Derek is concerned about his pigs and describes symptoms which could be consistent with Streptococcal meningitis and requests treatment with amoxycillin.

Things to think about...

Green Livestock Vets should not remotely prescribe this antibiotic under these circumstances as they have not met the criteria of considerations under the guidance to ensure safe and effective prescribing and responsible use of medicines.

In addition, there is no exceptional circumstance present that would justify the prescription of antimicrobials without ever having attending the premises or examined one representative animal.

Given the factors to be taken into consideration when deciding whether a physical examination is necessary, in this scenario it may be difficult to justify prescribing any POM-V without carrying out any indicated further investigations and understanding the level of knowledge/training of the keeper.