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Areas of particular concern

Areas of particular concern might include:

Breaches of the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct (Code)

  1. dishonesty, for example, deliberately putting false entries in clinical records;
  2. misleading a client, colleague or the wider public;
  3. recklessness in his/her conduct;
  4. inappropriate or unwarranted physical force against an animal;
  5. aggression or violence towards a client;
  6. inappropriate storage, use or dispensing of veterinary medicinal products;

Not all breaches of the Code will give rise to a realistic prospect that the conduct is far short of that
which is expected.

Clinical Matters

  1. Treatment that falls far short of that expected might include:
  2. reckless administration of a medicine;
  3. failure to keep appropriate clinical records;
  4. negligence which may be gross;
  5. other very poor clinical care and skill short of the standard expected; and/or
  6. repeated errors.

Other Issues

  1. failure to adhere to previous advice from the RCVS;
  2. concerns relating to criminal cautions or convictions of a serious nature may, on the authorisation of the RVNPIC Chairman and/or Head of Professional Conduct be referred directly to the Stage two RVNPIC; and/or
  3. concerns relating to serious health issues may on the authorisation of the RVNPIC Chairman and/or Head of Professional Conduct be referred directly to the Stage two RVNPIC.