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VetGDP and CPD Compliance Subcommittee


  • Dr Abbie Calow
  • Dr Olivia Cooke
  • Dr Alice McLeish
  • Dr Sue Paterson (Chair)
  • Miss Alison Reid
  • Dr Stephanie Richardson
  • Mr Tim Walker
  • Ms Judith Worthington
  • Dr Sarah Williams

Terms of reference

  1. The CPD Policy and Compliance Subcommittee will report to the Education Committee and Veterinary Nurses Council.
  2. The subcommittee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the RCVS CPD Policy and making recommendations for changes to the Education Committee and VN Council.
  3. The subcommittee is responsible for the RCVS CPD non-compliance policy and procedures, overall engagement with CPD and 1CPD and to make decisions on whether or not to refer individual cases of non-compliance or non-response to the Professional Conduct Department. The subcommittee will:
  • develop and keep under review the RCVS CPD non-compliance policy and procedures;
  • oversee any applications from veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses to pause CPD;
  • monitor and agree actions for CPD non-compliance cases;
  • decide when cases of CPD non-compliance should be referred to the Professional Conduct Department;
  • monitor and review ways to improve engagement with CPD and the RCVS recording portal 1CPD.


  1. The subcommittee will consist of:
    1. three veterinary nurses and one lay member nominated by the Veterinary Nurses Council;
    2. three veterinary surgeons and one lay member nominated by the Education Committee;
    3. two external stakeholders that will advise on policy matters only.
  2. The subcommittee has ten members in total with a with a quorum of 50% and at least one veterinary surgeon and one veterinary nurse must attend each meeting.

  3. The length of service would normally be 3 years, however this is not prescriptive and longer terms can be allowed for continuity or consistency of the subcommittee membership.


  1. The subcommittee will meet at least three times a year. Meetings will be held virtually except for any exceptional circumstances when face to face meetings will be more beneficial.