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Environment and Sustainability Working Party


Our Environment and Sustainability Working Party was established in November 2020 to develop environment and sustainability policies, both internally for the RCVS and more widely for the profession through our regulatory mechanisms. The Working Party met for the last time in October 2021.

As part of this body of work, the RCVS has joined other health professionals through membership of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change to make recommendations concerning potential new environmental and sustainability initiatives.

The Environment and Sustainability Working Party reported to the Advancement of the Professions Committee and made the below recommendations all of which were approved by RCVS Council:

  • RCVS to sign up to an environmental accreditation scheme, Investors in the Environment (iiE)

  • RCVS to divest from fossil fuels

  • RCVS Advancement of the Professions Committee (APC) to discuss issues pertaining to environment & sustainability in the profession at least 1 x yearly.

  • Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) to incorporate more sustainability requirements.

Terms of reference

  • Creating an internal environment and sustainability policy for the RCVS.
  • Creating a profession-facing environment and sustainability policy that can put into action via both regulatory mechanisms and Royal College influence, and to inform the College’s work with the United Kingdom Health Alliance on Climate Change (UKHACC).
  • To make recommendations concerning potential new College initiatives, and support for existing complementary projects led by other organisations.


Sue Paterson, Chair, RCVS Council

Danny Chambers, RCVS Council

Kate Richards, RCVS Council

Niall Connell, RCVS Council

Mark Castle, Lay member RCVS Council

Claire Roberts, Veterinary Nurses Council

John Walmsley, RCVS Fellow

Meeting summaries