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MMI Campfire Chat: Working Through Winter

MMI campfire

Date: Monday 13th December 2021

Opening times: 7:00 - 8:00pm

Venue: Online


The MMI Campfire chats are back! Join the MMI Team and our fantastic guests for an informal delve into themes and topics that matter to the veterinary community. Open to all, these free online panel sessions offer a chance to pause, reflect and learn from each other’s experiences of navigating life and work.

Working Through Winter

In this MMI Campfire Chat...

Working through winter is hard…it’s cold, dark, wet and comes with a whole host of challenges. Join us and our brilliant panellists for this cosy campfire chat, to explore how working through winter impacts the mental health of veterinary professionals and what can be done to help overcome the winter blues.

Panel Guests

Mark Tabachnik

Mark has been an equine vet for over 25 years, and has spent the majority of his time in first opinion practice in Cheshire. Being a business owner gave him deep insights into what was important in running veterinary practice to ensure they were focused to serve the people that work within them. Mark has trained as a coach with both the Coaches Training Institute and Positive Intelligence. He juggles his work as a clinical director and a professional development coach.

Claire Gillvray

Claire is a medical doctor graduating from Edinburgh University in 1999.

She initially trained as a psychiatrist before crossing over into General Practice. She continued to develop her interest in mental health through various leadership roles in London and working as an addiction psychiatrist at the Maudsley.

A keen triathlete she became interested in the link between physical and mental health and went on to compete a MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Bath University.

Claire’s passion is in helping people gain mental strength through combining exercise, meditation, yoga and therapy. She has created Cognitive Sports Therapy to bring these elements together and runs programmes for individuals and groups using exercise as a therapy.

Claire has 3 beautiful girls and understands the stresses of balancing family and work life whilst trying to make space for self-care.

Final Panellist: To be confirmed

Programme timings and information

7:00 - 8:00pm

The interactive session will be held online, via Zoom.

This event counts towards your CPD.


There is no charge to attend this event.

Register here

Contact us

Should you have any questions, please email the RCVS Events Team

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