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433 items found for P

Packed programme for VN Futures at BSAVA Congress

... a whole stream of events related to the VN Futures project. VN Futures , a joint project between the RCVS and the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) , was formed at the beginning of the 2016 to ...

Paddy Gordon

... committed to farm animal with an RVC Residency. I learnt much from senior colleagues, gaining my RCVS Certificate. I eventually settled in Somerset and bought into a mixed independent practice, Shepton ...

Paisley-based veterinary nurse suspended for dishonesty and taking items from her practice

... veterinary nurse suspended for dishonesty and taking items from her practice 25 June 2021 The RCVS Veterinary Nurse Disciplinary Committee has given a nine-month suspension to a Paisley-based ...

Pandemic forces further changes to RCVS ‘under care’ review plans

... to content Pandemic forces further changes to RCVS ‘under care’ review plans 15 May 2020 We are announcing further amendments to the planned timetable ...

Paper classification: some definitions

... to content Paper classification: some definitions RCVS Committee and Council are classified according to their content. A list of classification ...

Paragon Vets becomes first group to receive PSS environmental award

... where needed.” For more information and guidance on the new requirements and the award, visit the RCVS Environmental Sustainability Module and Award page , where a recording of a recent webinar covering ...

Parity between women and men as RCVS confirms 48 new Fellows

... to content Parity between women and men as RCVS confirms 48 new Fellows 25 July 2024 This autumn the RCVS will welcome 48 veterinary surgeons to the RCVS Fellowship, the highest number to join the learned ...

Parliament praises veterinary profession to mark World Veterinary Year

... enable and inspire future generations of veterinary students. The motion notes the roles of both the RCVS and the British Veterinary Association (BVA). The motion is co-sponsored by Peter Bottomley MP, Jim ...

Parliamentary Veterinary Intern vacancy open for applications

... will provide administrative, policy and research support for Lord Trees, a former President of the RCVS and one of two veterinary surgeons in the House of Lords, for a period of one year which may be ...

Part 1: Embracing the vet-led team

... to content Part 1: Embracing the vet-led team 22. The RCVS is the regulator of both veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Under Schedule 3 of the existing ...
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