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EPA 12

Carry out a veterinary risk assessment


Carry out a qualitative veterinary risk assessment (VRA) answering a specific risk question or questions to underpin veterinary decision making.

A VRA is veterinary advice, or the evidence supporting a veterinary decision, presented in a standardised format. VRAs document the thought processes leading to a conclusion so that the reasons behind veterinary advice or decisions are appropriately explained, contextualised, documented, and auditable.

Good analytical skills and written communication skills are required to draft high quality VRAs that fully address the risk question and consider uncertainty where the evidence is unclear.

Aiming for... (Success criteria)

To have carried out and effectively reported high quality and accurate VRAs across a range of;

  1. Animal species
  2. Environments
  3. Clinical presentations

Required competences

There is the potential for all domains within the 2020 RCVS Day One Competences to be relevant to this EPA, however the key areas involved in performance of this activity/area of practice are as follows;

Veterinary capability

  • Clinical reasoning
  • One health / Public health

Reflective relationships

  • Communication
  • Collaboration

Personal leadership

  • Adaptability
  • Self awareness and reflection
  • Professionalism